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 Alan Wake, Whose Played It?

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Darth Rahu
Darth Rahu

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PostSubject: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 18, 2010 12:48 am

Is there anybody else on here that actually gave this game a shot? I found it very engaging and am currently foaming at the mouth for a sequel. Anybody else?
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PostSubject: Re: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 18, 2010 8:04 am

Im with you there buddy. Alan Wake was one of my favourite titles this year. Definately the best horror game I have played in years. The story was so engaing and the general gameplay mechanics are all spot on. Graphically, too, its one of the years best games. I think even though we gave Heavy Rain the award, Alan Wake was very high up there. Out of everything, I would say it has the best lighting effects, which worked wel las not just visualls, but also complemented the main gameplay so very well.

A sequel has been hinted at quite a bit, and I too look forward to it!
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Darth Rahu
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PostSubject: Re: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 18, 2010 11:53 pm

Laxman wrote:
Im with you there buddy. Alan Wake was one of my favourite titles this year. Definately the best horror game I have played in years. The story was so engaing and the general gameplay mechanics are all spot on. Graphically, too, its one of the years best games. I think even though we gave Heavy Rain the award, Alan Wake was very high up there. Out of everything, I would say it has the best lighting effects, which worked wel las not just visualls, but also complemented the main gameplay so very well.

A sequel has been hinted at quite a bit, and I too look forward to it!
I hear you. I take it then you've played the DLC episodes, The Signal and The Writer? I loved those, especially The Writer. Partly because it confirmed some of my theories about the Dark Place and Alan's Nightmares, partly because I loved how level design wise, it was a love letter/ demented retread of Alan's experiences in Bright Falls ending where it all began with the Lighthouse and the Cabin, but mostly because of how much potential there is for a sequel. Alan Wake 2, The Return!
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PostSubject: Re: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 2:45 am

Can't believe I missed this topic. I bought it in October and didn't have a chance to play it until February this year but I loved Alan Wake. The well-told story and environments just create an excellent atmosphere and the gameplay is rock solid. I finished the game probably five or so weeks ago but have since gone through again on Nightmare and found every collectible (except 1 can pyramid that didn't register for some reason). I finished getting every achievement for the main game and The Signal and am currently sitting at 1250/1500. Bought the second DLC yesterday as I had some points left over and the fact it was on sale (280ms points = $4.62). Will play through it probably later today and will get 1500/1500 soon. Hoping like hell for a sequel and believe that Remedy could knock it out of the park. If AAG has another member review competition down the line I may just write a review for it.
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Tazzy da devil

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PostSubject: Re: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 4:28 am

I bought it a while ago, but I haven't gotten very far in it. To be honest it scares the hell out of me!
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PostSubject: Re: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2011 7:54 am

Tazzy da devil wrote:
I bought it a while ago, but I haven't gotten very far in it. To be honest it scares the hell out of me!

Glad someone else thought it was frightening. Much scarier than the usual zombie/creature/demon things that feature in almost every other horror game.
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PostSubject: Re: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 12:20 am

Laxman wrote:
Glad someone else thought it was frightening. Much scarier than the usual zombie/creature/demon things that feature in almost every other horror game.

I was quite scared playing through the first two chapters originally. When the Taken surrounded me in the forest my heart was racing and my palms were sweating while I quickly tried to back into a corner. After that though I got used to it and it's a piece of cake now. The flares are your best friend when it comes to dispersing enemies and relieving the tension.

On a sidenote I finished The Writer yesterday and it is so different to the rest of the game. Lots of platforming and some really cool environments. Got some of the achievements but will look into getting 1500/1500 later today.

Edit: Got 1500/1500, great game.
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PostSubject: Re: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 11:32 am

V23 wrote:
Laxman wrote:
Glad someone else thought it was frightening. Much scarier than the usual zombie/creature/demon things that feature in almost every other horror game.

I was quite scared playing through the first two chapters originally. When the Taken surrounded me in the forest my heart was racing and my palms were sweating while I quickly tried to back into a corner. After that though I got used to it and it's a piece of cake now. The flares are your best friend when it comes to dispersing enemies and relieving the tension.

On a sidenote I finished The Writer yesterday and it is so different to the rest of the game. Lots of platforming and some really cool environments. Got some of the achievements but will look into getting 1500/1500 later today.

Edit: Got 1500/1500, great game.

Good work mate. I actually brought The Writer at the start of the year when it was deal of week but havent played it yet. Think ill have to get around to that shortly.
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PostSubject: Re: Alan Wake, Whose Played It?   Alan Wake, Whose Played It? Icon_minitime

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