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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  AAG%20Podcast%20Logo%204



What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Brutalgamerlogo


 What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.

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Darth Rahu
PAG/ GroundRex
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PAG/ GroundRex
PAG/ GroundRex

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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 8:43 am

I want to see Gears Of War series made into the movies!
Shame it would be such a high budget film so it probs wont happen anytime soon.

But they are making some great games into movies already such as Uncharted and Heavy Rain.

I also think that some of Fallout 3 would make a good movie and a good like mini series type of thing.

I think they should make a proper DBZ game. Like a RPG type of thing.
V for vendetta could be made into a decent game.

Any ideas?
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Darth Rahu
Darth Rahu

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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2011 2:43 am

Wouldn't mind a mini-series involving Fallout, like chronicling someone leaving a Vault for the first time and seeing the world. That would be awesome. This might also be the nerdiest thing ever but I also wouldn't mind a season or so of Team Fortress 2 as an animated series, just to see what kind of crap they can pull off. As for Vice Versa, Heroes as a video game. Multiplayer for that would be sick!!!
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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2011 3:11 am

I heard that Halo is still "in the works" for development and apparently trying to make it into a movie. But for me I'd have to say Half Life purely because even though Gordon Freeman never talks it'd be pretty easy to make a movie just based off the Half Life series.
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Darth Rahu
Darth Rahu

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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2011 10:47 pm

Ulturas wrote:
I heard that Halo is still "in the works" for development and apparently trying to make it into a movie. But for me I'd have to say Half Life purely because even though Gordon Freeman never talks it'd be pretty easy to make a movie just based off the Half Life series.

I'm thinking if they film the first film guerilla style, have it so the HEV has a recording device or something on it, yeah that would be pretty neat. Half Life 2 would feel too much like an Orwellian dystopia rip off but the first Half Life has potential.
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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 12:13 am

I would LOVE to have an Assassin's Creed Movie(s) made, the game is such a success and this would just be a great edition to the series! But it will probs never happen, Sad but I would also like a Halo movie, that was promised and never really delivered, I mean Halo Legends is cool, but a full 1 1/2 hour movie of 3D animation or something would just be EPIC! Smile
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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 3:25 am

Darth Rahu wrote:
Ulturas wrote:
I heard that Halo is still "in the works" for development and apparently trying to make it into a movie. But for me I'd have to say Half Life purely because even though Gordon Freeman never talks it'd be pretty easy to make a movie just based off the Half Life series.

I'm thinking if they film the first film guerilla style, have it so the HEV has a recording device or something on it, yeah that would be pretty neat. Half Life 2 would feel too much like an Orwellian dystopia rip off but the first Half Life has potential.

Have you seen the mini series on Youtube? They only had one episode but it looked pretty awesome, Escape from City 17 only goes for 5 mins but here's the link anyway

Might have to copy and paste it if the hyperlink doesn't work lol. But yea something like that would be fairly awesome I dunno why no one ever jumped on it to do that.
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Darth Rahu
Darth Rahu

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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 5:02 am

Ulturas wrote:
Darth Rahu wrote:
Ulturas wrote:
I heard that Halo is still "in the works" for development and apparently trying to make it into a movie. But for me I'd have to say Half Life purely because even though Gordon Freeman never talks it'd be pretty easy to make a movie just based off the Half Life series.

I'm thinking if they film the first film guerilla style, have it so the HEV has a recording device or something on it, yeah that would be pretty neat. Half Life 2 would feel too much like an Orwellian dystopia rip off but the first Half Life has potential.

Have you seen the mini series on Youtube? They only had one episode but it looked pretty awesome, Escape from City 17 only goes for 5 mins but here's the link anyway

Might have to copy and paste it if the hyperlink doesn't work lol. But yea something like that would be fairly awesome I dunno why no one ever jumped on it to do that.

Already saw Escape from City 17 and Beyond Black Mesa. Yeah they're both awesome
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PAG/ GroundRex
PAG/ GroundRex

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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 6:30 am

The new Fast and the furious movie would make a good game. (fast 5)
Nice driving scenes, gun fights etc.
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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 11:23 pm

Theres just not enough Muppet games! Wink
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Darth Rahu
Darth Rahu

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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2011 4:16 pm

wyldcat34 wrote:
Theres just not enough Muppet games! Wink

Tell it preacher!! Lol!
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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2011 10:42 am

gears of war would be heaps good as a movie like you said cheers
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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.    What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.  Icon_minitime

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What movie or TV show would you make into a game and vise versa.
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