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 LA Noire Trailer - Finally!

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LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Empty
PostSubject: LA Noire Trailer - Finally!   LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 3:24 am

Dont know you've checked this out yet or not, but Rockstar just released the first trailer to LA Noire, which is probably my most anticipated game, well, ever. I seriously cannot remember a time when ive wanted a game so bad, apart from maybe when Borderlands was first announced and when it was a serious piece of ultimate gaming rather than the cartoony junk-shop it was (which still happened to be awesome anyway!).

Anyway, check out the trailer and some info on the game here;

LA Noire Trailer Reveal
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LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LA Noire Trailer - Finally!   LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 4:17 am

Why isn't this in the PS3 section??? Twisted Evil

I am looking forward to this now as well. I am a big fan of Rockstar, not to the point of complete fanboi-ism but I appreciate what they do. Not sure which platform to get this on though. Might have to look at who is getting any DLC or freebies first.
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LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LA Noire Trailer - Finally!   LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 12:18 pm

Elphinkiller wrote:
Why isn't this in the PS3 section??? Twisted Evil
Well im sure it was, a 'Why wasnt this in the Xbox section?' argument would be just as justified. And as someone who has both, I greatly prefer my Xbox.

And yeah, Rockstar are a gret company, always pushing boundaries. But they arent developing this, its actually a new Aussy team from Bondi. Make me as proud as I was when I learned Irrational where Aussy!
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LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LA Noire Trailer - Finally!   LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 2:13 pm

Laxman wrote:
Elphinkiller wrote:
Why isn't this in the PS3 section??? Twisted Evil
Well im sure it was, a 'Why wasnt this in the Xbox section?' argument would be just as justified. And as someone who has both, I greatly prefer my Xbox.

And yeah, Rockstar are a gret company, always pushing boundaries. But they arent developing this, its actually a new Aussy team from Bondi. Make me as proud as I was when I learned Irrational where Aussy!

I was just yanking your chain about the PS3 / Xbox thing. It really doesn't bother me either way. I have all three consoles and they are all good for different reasons. However with a game like this I am always torn on which platform to get it. It will probably have limited multiplayer (if at all) so that doesn't mean that I have to get it on the Xbox. So it is a bit of a decision to make. As I said I will probably wait and see which ones are getting the better deal on bonuses and then make my mind up.

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LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LA Noire Trailer - Finally!   LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 11:55 pm

Elphinkiller wrote:
Laxman wrote:
Elphinkiller wrote:
Why isn't this in the PS3 section??? Twisted Evil
Well im sure it was, a 'Why wasnt this in the Xbox section?' argument would be just as justified. And as someone who has both, I greatly prefer my Xbox.

And yeah, Rockstar are a gret company, always pushing boundaries. But they arent developing this, its actually a new Aussy team from Bondi. Make me as proud as I was when I learned Irrational where Aussy!

I was just yanking your chain about the PS3 / Xbox thing. It really doesn't bother me either way. I have all three consoles and they are all good for different reasons. However with a game like this I am always torn on which platform to get it. It will probably have limited multiplayer (if at all) so that doesn't mean that I have to get it on the Xbox. So it is a bit of a decision to make. As I said I will probably wait and see which ones are getting the better deal on bonuses and then make my mind up.

Yeah same here. Xbox, without a doubt, has better online capabilites and community and is always my choice for Multiplayer-centred games, but a lot of multiplatform games look better on the PS3 and this is one game I want to play with the sharpest visuals around so i might have to go for PS3.
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PAG/ GroundRex
PAG/ GroundRex

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LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LA Noire Trailer - Finally!   LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 7:38 am

im looking forward to this game. Im hoping its something new and different. Im after a kind of Heavy rain story line with a 3rd person kind of GTA gameplay.

I havent seen any gameplay for this game so i wouldent know.

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LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LA Noire Trailer - Finally!   LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 10:06 am

No gameplay on it yet, but from the few hands-on ive read, that sound pretty spot on Vic. Great story with open-world gameplay, only a hell of alot more detail and much more gameplay mechanics than GTA games. I think its safe to say this game is going to really put the spot light on what Aussie developers are capable of, becuase a lot of people didnt realize the first Bioshock was home grown.
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LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Empty
PostSubject: Re: LA Noire Trailer - Finally!   LA Noire Trailer - Finally! Icon_minitime

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